

  1. Takamura T, Motosugi U, Ogiwara M, Sasaki Y, Glaser KJ , Ehman RL, Kinouchi H, Onishi H:Relationship between Shear Stiffness Measured by MR Elastography and Perfusion Metrics Measured by Perfusion CT of Meningiomas. PubMed»
  2. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Kozaka K, Goshima S, Ichikawa T:Optimal Combination of Features on Gadoxetate Disodium-enhanced MR Imaging for Non-invasive Differential Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The JAMP-HCC Study. Magn Reson Med Sci, 20 (1): 47-59. 2021.  PubMed»
  3. Ichikawa S, Kromrey ML, Motosugi U, Onishi H:Optimal target b-value on computed diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for visualization of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and focal autoimmune pancreatitis. Abdom Radiol (NY), 46 (2): 636-646. 2021. PubMed»


  1. Kawamura M, Tamada D, Funayama S, Kromrey ML, Ichikawa S, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Accelerated Acquisition of High-resolution Diffusion-weighted Imaging of the Brain with a Multi-shot Echo-planar Sequence: Deep-learning-based Denoising. Magn Reson Med Sci, 20 (1): 99-105. 2021. PubMed»
  2. Kromrey ML, Tamada D, Johno H, Funayama S, Nagata N, Ichikawa S, Kühn JP, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Reduction of respiratory motion artifacts in gadoxetate-enhanced MR with a deep learning-based filter using convolutional neural network. Eur Radiol, 30 (11): 5923-5932. 2020. PubMed»
  3. Kromrey ML, Le Bihan D, Ichikawa S, Motosugi U:Diffusion-weighted MRI-based Virtual Elastography for the Assessment of Liver Fibrosis. Radiology, 295 (1): 127-135. 2020. PubMed»
  4. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Sato K, Shimizu T, Wakayama T, Onishi H:Transient Respiratory-motion Artifact and Scan Timing during the Arterial Phase of Gadoxetate Disodium-enhanced MR Imaging: The Benefit of Shortened Acquisition and Multiple Arterial Phase Acquisition. Magn Reson Med Sci: 2020.  PubMed»
  5. Ichikawa S, Isoda H, Shimizu T, Tamada D, Taura K, Togashi K, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Distinguishing intrahepatic mass-forming biliary carcinomas from hepatocellular carcinoma by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging using the Bayesian method: a bi-center study. Eur Radiol, 30 (11): 5992-6002. 2020.  PubMed»
  6. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Suzuki T, Shimizu T, Onishi H:Imaging features of hepatic inflammatory pseudotumor: distinction from colorectal liver metastasis using gadoxetate disodium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Abdom Radiol (NY), 45 (8): 2400-2408. 2020. PubMed»
  7. Ichikawa S, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Computed Tomography Findings of Emergency Cases Resulting From Fish Bone Ingestion. Can Assoc Radiol J: 846537119899198. 2020.  PubMed»
  8. Ichikawa S, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Imaging Findings of Acute Abdomen due to Complications of Meckel Diverticulum. Can Assoc Radiol J, 71(2):149-153. 2020.  PubMed»
  9. Kromrey ML, Kise H, Hirose J, Yoshizawa M, Toda T, Kono Y, Sunaga Y, Johno H, Funayama S, Onishi H, Johnson K, Wieben O, Motosugi U:Right Pulmonary Vein Atresia in a Mildly Symptomatic Boy: Comprehensive Analysis of Flow Dynamics Using Non-contrast-enhanced 4D Flow MR Imaging. Magn Reson Med Sci, 19 (4): 287-289. 2020.  PubMed»
  10. Motosugi U, Takehara Y:Motion and solution in hepatobiliary agent-enhanced dynamic MRI: solid evidence and unanswered question. Jpn J Radiol, 38(2):99-100. 2020. PubMedを見る»
  11. Wells SA, Schubert T, Motosugi U, Sharma SD, Campo CA, Kinner S, Woo KM, Hernando D, Reeder SB:Pharmacokinetics of Ferumoxytol in the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Dosing Study with 1.5- and 3.0-T MRI Relaxometry. Radiology, 294 (1): 108-116. 2020. PubMed»
  12. Mori Y, Motosugi U, Shimizu T, Ichikawa S, Kromrey ML, Onishi H:Predicting Patients With Insufficient Liver Enhancement in the Hepatobiliary Phase Before the Injection of Gadoxetic Acid: A Practical Approach Using the Bayesian Method. J Magn Reson Imaging, 51 (1): 62-69. 2020. PubMed»
  13. Kromrey ML, Hori M, Goshima S, Kozaka K, Hyodo T, Nakamura Y, Nishie A, Tamada T, Shimizu T, Kanki A, Motosugi U:Gadoxetate disodium-related event during image acquisition: a prospective multi-institutional study for better MR practice. Eur Radiol, 30 (1): 281-290. 2020. PubMed»
  14. Shimizu T, Motosugi U, Komatsu N, Ichikawa S, Inoue T, Onishi H, Enomoto N:MRI-based risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease: A prospective observational study. J Magn Reson Imaging, 51 (2): 389-396. 2020.  PubMed»
  15. Tamada D, Kromrey ML, Ichikawa S, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Motion Artifact Reduction Using a Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of the Liver. Magn Reson Med Sci, 19 (1): 64-76. 2020. PubMed»
  16. Takamura T, Motosugi U, Sasaki Y, Kakegawa T, Sato K, Glaser KJ, Ehman RL, Onishi H:Influence of Age on Global and Regional Brain Stiffness in Young and Middle-Aged Adults. J Magn Reson Imaging, 51 (3): 727-733. 2020. PubMed»
  17. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Kromrey ML, Tamada D, Wakayama T, Wang K, Cashen TA, Ersoz A, Onishi H:Utility of Stack-of-stars Acquisition for Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging without Breath-holding. Magn Reson Med Sci, 19 (2): 99-107. 2020.  PubMed»
  18. Kromrey ML, Funayama S, Tamada D, Ichikawa S, Shimizu T, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Clinical Evaluation of Respiratory-triggered 3D MRCP with Navigator Echoes Compared to Breath-hold Acquisition Using Compressed Sensing and/or Parallel Imaging. Magn Reson Med Sci, 19 (4): 318-323. 2020.  PubMed»
  19. Natori T, Shindo K, Okumura A, Kimura A, Takiyama Y:A treatable case of autoimmune GFAP astrocytopathy presenting chronic progressive cognitive impairment. Neurol Sci, 41 (10): 2999-3002. 2020.  PubMed»


  1. Motosugi U:Improving Postsurgical Outcome in Patients with HCC by Using a Hepatobiliary Contrast Agent. Radiology. 191990. 2019.  PubMed»
  2. Matsuda M, Ichikawa S, Matsuda M, Amemiya H, Ichikawa D, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Hepatobiliary phase hypointense nodule without arterial phase hyperenhancement as a risk factor for late recurrence (>1 year) of hepatocellular carcinoma after surgery. Clin Radiol, 74 (12): 975 e1-975 e9. 2019.  PubMed»
  3. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Tamada D, Wakayama T, Sato K, Funayama S, Onishi H:Improving the Quality of Diffusion-weighted Imaging of the Left Hepatic Lobe Using Weighted Averaging of Signals from Multiple Excitations. Magn Reson Med Sci, 18 (3): 225-232. 2019. PubMed»
  4. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Enomoto N, Onishi H:Magnetic resonance elastography can predict development of hepatocellular carcinoma with longitudinally acquired two-point data.  Eur Radiol, 29 (2): 1013-1021. 2019. PubMed»
  5. Ichikawa S, Omiya Y, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Linear gadolinium-based contrast agent (gadodiamide and gadopentetate dimeglumine)-induced high signal intensity on unenhanced T1 -weighted images in pediatric patients.  J Magn Reson Imaging, 49 (4): 1046-1052. 2019. PubMed»
  6. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Omori M, Sano K, Omiya Y, Hirata S, Onishi H:MR-guided Focused Ultrasound for Uterine Fibroids: A Preliminary Study of Relationship between the Treatment Outcomes and Factors of MR Images Including Elastography. Magn Reson Med Sci, 18 (1): 82-87. 2019.   PubMed»
  7. Motosugi U, Roldan-Alzate A, Bannas P, Said A, Kelly S, Zea R, Wieben O, Reeder SB:Four-dimensional Flow MRI as a Marker for Risk Stratification of Gastroesophageal Varices in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. Radiology, 290 (1): 101-107. 2019.   PubMed»


  1. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Ichikawa S, Onishi H:Dose-dependence of transient respiratory motion artifacts on gadoxetic acid-enhanced arterial phase MR images. J Magn Reson Imaging, 47 (2): 433-438. 2018.   PubMed»
  2. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Oishi N, Shimizu T, Wakayama T, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Onishi H:Ring-Like Enhancement of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Multiphasic Hepatic Arterial Phase Imaging With Differential Subsampling With Cartesian Ordering. Invest Radiol, 53 (4): 191-199. 2018.   PubMed»
  3. Takamura T, Hori M, Kamagata K, Kumamaru KK, Irie R, Hagiwara A, Hamasaki N, Aoki S:Slice-accelerated gradient-echo echo planar imaging dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MRI with blipped CAIPI: effect of increasing temporal resolution. Jpn J Radiol, 36 (1): 40-50. 2018.  PubMed»
  4. Tamada D, Wakayama T, Onishi H, Motosugi U:Multiparameter estimation using multi-echo spoiled gradient echo with variable flip angles and multicontrast compressed sensing. Magn Reson Med, 80 (4): 1546-1555. 2018. PubMed»
  5. Okita G, Ohba T, Takamura T, Ebata S, Ueda R, Onishi H, Haro H, Hori M:Application of neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging or diffusion tensor imaging to quantify the severity of cervical spondylotic myelopathy and to assess postoperative neurologic recovery. Spine J, 18 (2): 268-275. 2018.  PubMedを見る» 
  6. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Okumura A, Shimizu T, Onishi H:Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Dynamics Using Phase Contrast MR Imaging with Bilateral Jugular Vein Compression: A Feasibility Study in Healthy Volunteers. Magn Reson Med Sci, 17 (3): 265-268. 2018. PubMed»
  7. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Hernando D, Morisaka H, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Onishi H:Histological Grading of Hepatocellular Carcinomas with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-weighted Imaging: Inconsistent Results Depending on the Fitting Method. Magn Reson Med Sci, 17 (2): 168-173. 2018. PubMed»
  8. Omiya Y, Ichikawa S, Satoh Y, Motosugi U, Nakajima N, Onishi H:Prognostic value of preoperative fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in patients with potentially resectable pancreatic cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2018. [Epub ahead of print]   PubMed»
  9. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Ichikawa S, Nakazawa T, Kondo T, Funayama S, Matsuda M, Ichikawa T, Onishi H:Magnetic resonance elastography is as accurate as liver biopsy for liver fibrosis staging. J Magn Reson Imaging, 47 (5): 1268-1275. 2018.   PubMed»
  10. Omori M, Ichikawa S, Oi M, Inoue T, Ohgi M, Fukasawa H, Hashi A, Hirata SIntrapelvic sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma: a case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 38 (6): 1028-31. 2018.
  11. Motosugi U, Murakami T, Lee JM, Fowler KJ, Heiken JP, Sirlin CB:Recommendation for terminology: Nodules without arterial phase hyperenhancement and with hepatobiliary phase hypointensity in chronic liver disease. J Magn Reson Imaging, 48 (5): 1169-1171. 2018. PubMed»


  1. Sano K, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Ichikawa S, Morisaka H, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H:Outcome of hypovascular hepatic nodules with positive uptake of gadoxetic acid in patients with cirrhosis. Eur Radiol, 27 (2): 518-525. 2017. PubMed »
  2. McClellan TR, Motosugi U, Middleton MS, Allen BC, Jaffe TA, Miller CM, Reeder SB, Sirlin CB, Bashir MR:Intravenous Gadoxetate Disodium Administration Reduces Breath-holding Capacity in the Hepatic Arterial Phase: A Multi-Center Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial. Radiology, 282 (2): 361-368. 2017.  PubMed » 
  3. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Omiya Y, Onishi H:Contrast Agent-Induced High Signal Intensity in Dentate Nucleus on Unenhanced T1-Weighted Images: Comparison of Gadodiamide and Gadoxetic Acid. Invest Radiol, 52 (7): 389-395. 2017.  PubMed »
  4. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Oguri M, Onishi H:Magnetic resonance elastography for prediction of radiation-induced liver disease after stereotactic body radiation therapy. Hepatology, 66 (2): 664-665. 2017.  PubMed »
  5. Motosugi U, Hernando D, Wiens C, Bannas P, Reeder SB:High SNR Acquisitions Improve the Repeatability of Liver Fat Quantification Using Confounder-corrected Chemical Shift-encoded MR Imaging. Magn Reson Med Sci, 16 (4): 332-339. 2017.  PubMed »
  6. Motosugi U:Update Your Knowledge of Abdominal MRI: Recent Results, Which May Change Your Practice. Magn Reson Med Sci, 16 (2): 87-88. 2017.  PubMed »
  7. Nishie A, Goshima S, Haradome H, Hatano E, Imai Y, Kudo M, Matsuda M, Motosugi U, Saitoh S, Yoshimitsu K, Crawford B, Kruger E, Ball G, Honda H:Cost-effectiveness of EOB-MRI for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan. Clin Ther, 39 (4): 738-750 e4. 2017.   PubMed »
  8. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Glaser KJ, Ichikawa S, Ehman RL, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Onishi H:Comparison of diagnostic accuracies of two- and three-dimensional MR elastography of the liver. J Magn Reson Imaging, 45 (4): 1163-1170. 2017. PubMed»
  9. Schubert T, Motosugi U, Kinner S, Colgan TJ, Sharma SD, Hetzel S, Wells S, Campo CA, Reeder SB:Crossover comparison of ferumoxytol and gadobenate dimeglumine for abdominal MR-angiography at 3.0 tesla: Effects of contrast bolus length and flip angle. J Magn Reson Imaging, 45 (6): 1617-1626. 2017. PubMed» 
  10. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Onishi H:Noninvasive hepatic fibrosis staging using mr elastography: The usefulness of the bayesian prediction method. J Magn Reson Imaging, 46 (2): 375-382. 2017. PubMed»
  11. Le Bihan D, Ichikawa S, Motosugi U:Diffusion and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging-based Virtual Elastography: A Hypothesis-generating Study in the Liver. Radiology, 285 (2): 609-619. 2017. PubMed»



  1. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Onishi H:Noninvasive hepatic fibrosis staging using mr elastography: The usefulness of the bayesian prediction method. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2016.  [Epub ahead of print]  PubMed »
  2. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Glaser KJ, Ichikawa S, Ehman RL, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Onishi H:Comparison of diagnostic accuracies of two- and three-dimensional MR elastography of the liver. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2016. [Epub ahead of print]  PubMed »
  3. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Onishi H:Acute Adverse Reactions to Nonionic Iodinated Contrast Media for CT: Prospective Randomized Evaluation of the Effects of Dehydration, Oral Rehydration, and Patient Risk Factors. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 207 (5): 931-938. 2016. PubMed »
  4. Bannas P, Roldan-Alzate A, Johnson KM, Woods MA, Ozkan O, Motosugi U, Wieben O, Reeder SB, Kramer H:Longitudinal Monitoring of Hepatic Blood Flow before and after TIPS by Using 4D-Flow MR Imaging. Radiology, 281 (2): 574-582. 2016. PubMed »
  5. Takamura T, Motosugi U, Ichikawa S, Sano K, Morisaka H, Ichikawa T, Enomoto N, Onishi H:Usefulness of MR elastography for detecting clinical progression of cirrhosis from child-pugh class A to B in patients with type C viral hepatitis. J Magn Reson Imaging, 44 (3): 715-22. 2016. PubMed »
  6. Matsuda S, Motosugi U, Kato R, Muraoka M, Suzuki Y, Sato M, Shindo K, Nakayama Y, Inoue T, Maekawa S, Sakamoto M, Enomoto N:Hepatic Amyloidosis with an Extremely High Stiffness Value on Magnetic Resonance Elastography. Magn Reson Med Sci, 15 (3): 251-2. 2016.  PubMed » 
  7. Satoh Y, Motosugi U, Nambu A, Saito A, Onishi H:Prognostic Value of Semiautomatic CT Volumetry in Patients With Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 40 (3): 343-50. 2016. PubMed »  
  8. Chen N, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Ichikawa S, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Onishi H:Added Value of a Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced Hepatocyte-phase Image to the LI-RADS System for Diagnosing Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Magn Reson Med Sci, 15 (1): 49-59. 2016.  PubMed »
  9. Motosugi U, Bannas P, Bookwalter CA, Sano K, Reeder SB:An Investigation of Transient Severe Motion Related to Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MR Imaging. Radiology, 279 (1): 93-102. 2016.  PubMed »
  10. Bannas P, Motosugi U, Hernando D, Rahimi MS, Holmes JH, Reeder SB:Combined gadoxetic acid and gadofosveset enhanced liver MRI: A feasibility and parameter optimization study. Magn Reson Med, 75 (1): 318-28. 2016.  PubMed »
  11. Sciarra A, Di Tommaso L, Nakano M, Destro A, Torzilli G, Donadon M, Maggioni M, Bosari S, Bulfamante G, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Ichikawa T, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa S, Roncalli M:Morphophenotypic changes in human multistep hepatocarcinogenesis with translational implications. J Hepatol, 64 (1): 87-93. 2016.  PubMed »
  12. Bannas P, Bell LC, Johnson KM, Schiebler ML, Francois CJ, Motosugi U, Consigny D, Reeder SB, Nagle SK:Pulmonary Embolism Detection with Three-dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time MR Imaging: Experimental Study in Canines. Radiology, 278 (2): 413-21. 2016.   PubMed »


  1. Motosugi U:Gadoxetic Acid-induced Acute Transient Dyspnea: The Perspective of Japanese Radiologists. Magn Reson Med Sci, 14 (2): 163-4. 2015. PubMed »
  2. Motosugi U, Hernando D, Bannas P, Holmes JH, Wang K, Shimakawa A, Iwadate Y, Taviani V, Rehm JL, Reeder SB:Quantification of liver fat with respiratory-gated quantitative chemical shift encoded MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging, 42 (5): 1241-8. 2015 PubMed »
  3. Singh S, Venkatesh SK, Wang Z, Miller FH, Motosugi U, Low RN, Hassanein T, Asbach P, Godfrey EM, Yin M, Chen J, Keaveny AP, Bridges M, Bohte A, Murad MH, Lomas DJ, Talwalkar JA, Ehman RL:Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance elastography in staging liver fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 13 (3): 440-451 e6. 2015.  PubMed »
  4. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Tatsumi A, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Onishi H:Comparison of the diagnostic accuracies of magnetic resonance elastography and transient elastography for hepatic fibrosis. Magn Reson Imaging, 33 (1): 26-30. 2015.   PubMed »
  5. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Onishi H: Validity and reliability of magnetic resonance elastography for staging hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Magn Reson Med Sci, 14(3):211-21. 2015.  PubMed »
  6. Ichikawa S, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sano K, Morisaka H, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H:Was Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma Visible on Previous Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Images? Liver Cancer, 4 (3): 154-62. 2015. PubMed »   
  7. Motosugi U, Bannas P, Sano K, Reeder SB:Hepatobiliary MR contrast agents in hypovascular hepatocellular carcinoma. J Magn Reson Imaging, 41 (2): 251-65. 2015. PubMed »
  8. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Ichikawa S, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Enomoto N:Association of splenic MR elastographic findings with gastroesophageal varices in patients with chronic liver disease. J Magn Reson Imaging, 41 (1): 117-24. 2015. PubMed »
  9. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Nakazawa T, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Onishi H:Hepatitis activity should be considered a confounder of liver stiffness measured with MR elastography. J Magn Reson Imaging, 41 (5): 1203-8. 2015. PubMed »
  10. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Onishi H:MRI-based staging of hepatic fibrosis: Comparison of intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging with magnetic resonance elastography.  J Magn Reson Imaging, 42 (1): 204-10. 2015.  PubMed »



  1. Matsuda M, Ichikawa T, Amemiya H, Maki A, Watanabe M, Kawaida H, Kono H, Sano K, Motosugi U, Fujii H:Preoperative gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI and simultaneous treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma prolonged recurrence-free survival of progressed hepatocellular carcinoma patients after hepatic resection. HPB Surg, 2014: 641685. 2014. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed »
  2. Matsuda M, Amemiya H, Kawaida H, Okamoto H, Hosomura N, Asakawa M, Sano K, Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Nakazawa T, Fujii H:Typical fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in a Japanese boy: report of a case. Surg Today, 44 (7): 1359-66. 2014. PubMed »
  3. Ichikawa T, Sano K, Morisaka H:Diagnosis of Pathologically Early HCC with EOB-MRI: Experiences and Current Consensus. Liver Cancer, 3 (2): 97-107. 2014. PubMed »
  4. Ichikawa S, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sano K, Morisaka H, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Araki T:Presence of a hypovascular hepatic nodule showing hypointensity on hepatocyte-phase image is a risk factor for hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma. J Magn Reson Imaging, 39 (2): 293-7. 2014. PubMed »
  5. Ichikawa S, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Imaizumi A, Sano K, Morisaka H:Computed Tomography (CT) Venography With Dual-Energy CT: Low Tube Voltage and Dose Reduction of Contrast Medium for Detection of Deep Vein Thrombosis. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 38 (5): 797-801. 2014. PubMed »
  6. Fatima Z, Ichikawa T, Ishigame K, Motosugi U, Waqar AB, Hori M, Iijima H, Araki T:Orbital masses: the usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging in lesion categorization. Clin Neuroradiol, 24 (2): 129-34. 2014. PubMed »



  1. Muhi A, Ichikawa T, Motosug U, Sano K, Fatima Z, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Enomoto N, Araki T:Diffusion-weighted imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma for predicting early recurrence and survival after hepatectomy. Hepatol Int, 7 (2): 662-8. 2013.
  2. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Koshiishi T, Sano K, Morisaka H, Ichikawa S, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Araki T:Liver stiffness measured by magnetic resonance elastography as a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma: a preliminary case-control study. Eur Radiol, 23 (1): 156-62. 2013. PubMed »
  3. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Araki T, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Enomoto N:Bayesian prediction for liver fibrosis staging: Combined use of elastography and serum fibrosis markers. Hepatology, 58 (1): 450-1. 2013. PubMed »
  4. Motosugi U:Hypovascular hypointense nodules on hepatocyte phase gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR images: too early or too progressed to determine hypervascularity. Radiology, 267 (1): 317-8. 2013. PubMed »
  5. Motosgui U, Ichikawa T, Araki T:Rules, Roles, and Room for Discussion in Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Liver Imaging: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges. Magn Reson Med Sci, 12 (3): 161-75. 2013. PubMed »
  6. Morisaka H, Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Ichikawa S, Araki T, Enomoto N:MR-based Measurements of Portal Vein Flow and Liver Stiffness for Predicting Gastroesophageal Varices. Magn Reson Med Sci, 12 (2): 77-86. 2013. PubMed »
  7. Ichikawa T, Okada M, Kondo H, Sou H, Murakami T, Kanematsu M, Yoshikawa S, Shiosakai K, Hayakawa A, Awai K, Yoshimitsu K, Yamashita Y:Recommended iodine dose for multiphasic contrast-enhanced mutidetector-row computed tomography imaging of liver for assessing hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma: multicenter prospective study in 77 general hospitals in Japan. Acad Radiol, 20 (9): 1130-6. 2013. PubMed »
  8. Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Sano K, Muhi A, Araki T:Volumetric low-tube-voltage CT imaging for evaluating hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma; effects on radiation exposure, image quality, and diagnostic performance. Jpn J Radiol, 31 (8): 521-9. 2013. PubMed »
  9. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Morisaka H, Araki T:Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging of focal hepatic lesions. J Magn Reson Imaging, 37 (6): 1371-6. 2013. PubMed »
  10. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Morisaka H, Araki T:Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging of the kidney: alterations in diffusion and perfusion in patients with renal dysfunction. Magn Reson Imaging, 31 (3): 414-7. 2013. PubMed »
  11. Fatima Z, Motosugi U, Waqar AB, Hori M, Ishigame K, Oishi N, Onodera T, Yagi K, Katoh R, Araki T:Associations among q-space MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI and histopathological parameters in meningiomas. Eur Radiol, 23 (8): 2258-63. 2013. PubMed »
  12. Fatima Z, Motosugi U, Muhi A, Hori M, Ishigame K, Araki T:Diffusion-weighted imaging in optic neuritis. Can Assoc Radiol J, 64 (1): 51-5. 2013. PubMed »
  13. Fatima Z, Motosugi U, Hori M, Onodera T, Ishigame K, Yagi K, Araki T:Age-related white matter changes in high b-value q-space diffusion-weighted imaging. Neuroradiology, 55 (3): 253-9. 2013. PubMed »
  14. Fatima Z, Ishigame K, Araki T:Case 193. Radiology, 266 (1): 355-6. 2013. PubMed »
  15. Fatima Z, Ishigame K, Araki T:Case 193: Neuroferritinopathy–a brain iron accumulation and neurodegenerative disorder. Radiology, 267 (2): 650-5. 2013. PubMed »
  16. Chen N, Motosugi U, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Nakano M, Morisaka H, Ichikawa S, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Enomoto N, Araki T:Early hepatocellular carcinomas showing isointensity or hyperintensity in gadoxetic Acid-enhanced, hepatocyte-phase magnetic resonance images. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 37 (3): 466-9. 2013. PubMed »


  1. Muhi A, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sou H, Sano K, Tsukamoto T, Fatima Z, Araki T:Mass-forming autoimmune pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma: differential diagnosis on the basis of computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, and diffusion-weighted imaging findings. J Magn Reson Imaging, 35 (4): 827-36. 2012. PubMed »
  2. Muhi A, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sou H, Sano K, Araki T:Diffusion- and T2 -weighted MR imaging of the liver: effect of intravenous administration of gadoxetic acid disodium. Magn Reson Med Sci, 11 (3): 185-91. 2012. PubMed »
  3. Muhi A, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U:Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI:a method for the detection of hepatic metastases. Imaging Med, 4 (3): 279-86. 2012.
  4. Motosugi U, Yamaguchi H, Furukawa T, Ichikawa T, Hatori T, Fujita I, Yamamoto M, Motoi F, Kanno A, Watanabe T, Koike N, Koyama I, Kobayashi J, Shimizu M:Imaging Studies of Intraductal Tubulopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: 2-Tone Duct Sign and Cork-of-Wine-Bottle Sign as Indicators of Intraductal Tumor Growth. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 36 (6): 710-17. 2012. PubMed »
  5. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sou H, Sano K, Muhi A, Ehman RL, Araki T:Effects of gadoxetic acid on liver elasticity measurement by using magnetic resonance elastography. Magn Reson Imaging, 30 (1): 128-32. 2012. PubMed »
  6. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sou H, Morisaka H, Sano K, Araki T:Multi-organ perfusion CT in the abdomen using a 320-detector row CT scanner: Preliminary results of perfusion changes in the liver, spleen, and pancreas of cirrhotic patients. Eur J Radiol, 81 (10): 2533-7. 2012. PubMed »
  7. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Muhi A, Sano K, Morisaka H, Ichikawa S, Araki T:Magnetic resonance elastography as a predictor of insufficient liver enhancement on gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepatocyte-phase magnetic resonance imaging in patients with type C hepatitis and Child-Pugh class A disease. Invest Radiol, 47 (10): 566-70. 2012. PubMed »
  8. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Amemiya F, Sou H, Sano K, Muhi A, Enomoto N, Araki T:Cross-validation of MR elastography and ultrasound transient elastography in liver stiffness measurement: discrepancy in the results of cirrhotic liver. J Magn Reson Imaging, 35 (3): 607-10. 2012. PubMed »
  9. Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Morisaka H, Sou H, Onohara K, Sano K, Araki T:Optimal iodine dose for 3-dimensional multidetector-row CT angiography of the liver. Eur J Radiol, 81 (9): 2450-5. 2012. PubMed »
  10. Ichikawa S, Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Morisaka H, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Araki T:Magnetic resonance elastography for staging liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Magn Reson Med Sci, 11 (4): 291-7. 2012. PubMed »
  11. Haradome H, Grazioli L, Al manea K, Tsunoo M, Motosugi U, Kwee TC, Takaraha T:Gadoxetic acid disodium-enhanced hepatocyte phase MRI: can increasing the flip angle improve focal liver lesion detection? J Magn Reson Imaging, 35 (1): 132-9. 2012. PubMed »
  12. Grazioli L, Bondioni MP, Haradome H, Motosugi U, Tinti R, Frittoli B, Gambarini S, Donato F, Colagrande S:Hepatocellular adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia: value of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging in differential diagnosis. Radiology, 262 (2): 520-9. 2012. PubMed »
  13. Fatima Z, Motosugi U, Okumura A, Ishigame K, Araki T:Basi-parallel Anatomical Scanning (BPAS)-MRI Can Improve Discrimination of Vertebral Artery Dissection from Atherosclerosis and Hypoplasia. Acad Radiol, 19 (11): 1362-7. 2012. PubMed »
  14. Fatima Z, Motosugi U, Hori M, Ishigame K, Onodera T, Yagi K, Araki T:High b-Value q-Space Analyzed Diffusion-Weighted MRI Using 1.5 Tesla Clinical Scanner; Determination of Displacement Parameters in the Brains of Normal versus Multiple Sclerosis and Low-Grade Glioma Subjects. J Neuroimaging, 22 (3): 279-84. 2012. PubMed »


  1. Satoh Y, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Kimura K, Sou H, Sano K, Araki T:Diagnosis of peritoneal dissemination: comparison of 18F-FDG PET/CT, diffusion-weighted MRI, and contrast-enhanced MDCT. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 196 (2): 447-53. 2011. PubMed »
  2. Sano K, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sou H, Muhi AM, Matsuda M, Nakano M, Sakamoto M, Nakazawa T, Asakawa M, Fujii H, Kitamura T, Enomoto N, Araki T:Imaging study of early hepatocellular carcinoma: usefulness of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging. Radiology, 261 (3): 834-44. 2011. PubMed »
  3. Nambu A, Sawada E, Kato S, Araki T, Aikawa Y, Yuge M, Saito A:Determination of a standard deviation that could minimize radiation exposure in an automatic exposure control for pulmonary thin-section computed tomography. Japanese Journal of  Radiology, 29 (6): 405-12. 2011. PubMed »
  4. Nambu A, Onishi H, Aoki S, Koshiishi T, Kuriyama K, Komiyama T, Marino K, Araya M, Saito R, Tominaga L, Maehata Y, Sawada E, Araki T:Rib fracture after stereotactic radiotherapy on follow-up thin-section computed tomography in 177 primary lung cancer patients. Radiat Oncol, 6: 137. 2011. PubMed »
  5. Nakazawa T, Kondo T, Yuminomochi T, Nakazawa K, Ishii Y, Mochizuki K, Kawasaki T, Yamane T, Miyata M, Motosugi U, Katoh R:Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma of the salivary gland. Diagn Cytopathol, 39 (3): 218-22. 2011. PubMed »
  6. Muhi A, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Sou H, Nakajima H, Sano K, Sano M, Kato S, Kitamura T, Fatima Z, Fukushima K, Iino H, Mori Y, Fujii H, Araki T:Diagnosis of colorectal hepatic metastases: comparison of contrast-enhanced CT, contrast-enhanced US, superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MRI, and gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging, 34 (2): 326-35. 2011. PubMed »
  7. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Sou H, Onohara K, Muhi A, Kitamura T, Amemiya F, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Asakawa M, Fujii H, Araki T:Double-dose gadoxetic Acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in patients with chronic liver disease. Invest Radiol, 46 (2): 141-5. 2011. PubMed »
  8. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Sano K, Sou H, Onohara K, Muhi A, Amemiya F, Enomoto N, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Araki T:Outcome of hypovascular hepatic nodules revealing no gadoxetic acid uptake in patients with chronic liver disease. Journal of  Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 34 (1): 88-94. 2011. PubMed »
  9. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Onohara K, Sou H, Sano K, Muhi A, Araki T:Distinguishing hepatic metastasis from hemangioma using gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Investigative Radiology, 46 (6): 359-65. 2011. PubMed »
  10. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Oguri M, Sano K, Sou H, Muhi A, Matsuda M, Fujii H, Enomoto N, Araki T:Staging liver fibrosis by using liver-enhancement ratio of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging: comparison with aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index. Magn Reson Imaging, 29 (8): 1047-52. 2011. PubMed »
  11. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Niitsuma Y, Araki T:Acoustic radiation force impulse elastography of the liver: can fat deposition in the liver affect the measurement of liver stiffness? Jpn J Radiol, 29 (9): 639-43. 2011. PubMed »
  12. Motosugi U, Ichikawa T, Morisaka H, Sou H, Muhi A, Kimura K, Sano K, Araki T:Detection of pancreatic carcinoma and liver metastases with gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging: comparison with contrast-enhanced multi-detector row CT. Radiology, 260 (2): 446-53. 2011. PubMed »
  13. Hori M, Motosugi U, Fatima Z, Kumagai H, Ikenaga S, Ishigame K, Aoki S, Onodera T, Yagi K, Araki T:A comparison of mean displacement values using high b-value Q-space diffusion-weighted MRI with conventional apparent diffusion coefficients in patients with stroke. Acad Radiol, 18 (7): 837-41. 2011. PubMed »
  14. Hori M, Motosugi U, Fatima Z, Ishigame K, Araki T:Mean displacement map of spine and spinal cord disorders using high b-value q-space imaging-feasibility study. Acta Radiol, 52 (10): 1155-8. 2011. PubMed »
  15. Haradome H, Grazioli L, Tinti R, Morone M, Motosugi U, Sano K, Ichikawa T, Kwee TC, Colagrande S:Additional value of gadoxetic acid-DTPA-enhanced hepatobiliary phase MR imaging in the diagnosis of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison with dynamic triple-phase multidetector CT imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging, 34 (1): 69-78. 2011. PubMed »
  16. Fatima Z, Ichikawa T, Motosugi U, Muhi A, Sano K, Sou H, Haradome H, Kiryu S, Araki T:Magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging in the characterization of pancreatic mucinous cystic lesions. Clin Radiol, 66 (2): 108-11. 2011. PubMed »