Interventional Radiology




  1. Araki T, Imaizumi A, Okada H, Sasaki Y, Onishi H:Evaluation of image quality at the detector’s edge of dedicated breast positron emission tomography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2021 Jun 2:1-7.  PubMed»
  2. Imaizumi A, Araki T, Okada H, Sasaki Y, Komiyama T, Suzuki T, Takahashi H, Onishi H:Transarterial fiducial marker implantation for CyberKnife radiotherapy to treat pancreatic cancer: an experience with 14 cases. Jpn J Radiol, 39 (1): 84-92. 2021.  PubMed»
  3. Araki T, Imaizumi A, Okada H, Onishi H:Unusual Anatomical Variants of the Left Adrenal Vein via the Renal Capsular Vein Preventing Successful Adrenal Vein Sampling. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 40 (8): 1296-1298. 2017.   PubMed»
  4. Araki T, Okada H, Onishi H:Does catheter shape influence the success of right adrenal venous sampling? The interaction of catheter shape to anatomical factors on CT. Jpn J Radiol, 34 (11): 707-717. 2016.  PubMed »
  5. Araki T, Okada H, Onishi H:Can microcatheters be cleaned for reuse after NBCA embolization? Cleaning technique with gelatin sponge particles. Jpn J Radiol, 33 (8): 509-16. 2015. PubMed »
  6. Araki T, Okada H:Abdominal pressing maneuver during adrenal venous sampling for stabilization of catheter position. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 37 (2): 498-501. 2014. PubMed »
  7. Araki T, Okada H:Enhancement of ascites during abdominal oncological endovascular intervention without iatrogenic extravasation in patients with chronic liver disease. Clin Radiol, 68 (8): e460-6. 2013. PubMed »
  8. Araki T, Saad WE:Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration of gastric varices from unconventional systemic veins in the absence of gastrorenal shunts. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol, 15 (3): 241-53. 2012. PubMed »